Collaborative Research Project

Collaborative Research Project First Draft


When I was first issued the assignment of the website based on my group’s literature review topic. I was already confident in my ability to do it with my group and the only thing that we had to figure out really was how we were going to turn what we had into a website. The issue really was making a website for an audience that came from a multitude of places in the United States and had a multitude of identities that impacted how and where they received abortion. As Well as making the information concise enough to be digestible in illustrations. To solve this problem, we decided on using stories and characters as a way of personifying our statics and data. An example of this is when the map on our website. The map includes all fifty-one states in the United States, labeling whether its abortion access is restricted or not. Also displaying a multitude of characters, representing the statistics we researched. Allowing me to accomplish the eighth course learning objective. 

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